4yr old 14.2h

Having been looking for a dressage pony on and off for several years (including a trip to Germany without success) I was casually browsing the internet and came across the eponymous DPUK. The actual process of buying DPUK Baby Power took a few months owing to sad personal circumstances but Gill was extremely patient and in October 2014 Tickle passed the vetting and came to live down south.
Tickle is exactly as Gill described on DPUK web site "having the desire to go forward, being bright and sensitive with movement to die for- she has been nurtured to be confident and trusting, backed and ridden away without force or with any shortcuts".
Throughout the buying process and afterwards Gill has been incredibly helpful, even offering to post me a saddle on loan when I was struggling to source a suitable saddle. Gill was also extremely supportive when I lost a horse following a distressing illness (indeed she actively discouraged me from making any rash decisions on purchasing another horse whilst I was emotionally distressed).
Tickle is a delight to own - she is well mannered yet full of pony character, and never fails to cheer me up at the end of a difficult day.
In the four months that I have owned Tickle, she has been to two stay away training sessions, loading and travelling quietly (the first time on her own), settling into strange stables and taking new experiences such as being ridden in an indoor school with gallery in her stride.
A perfect combination of sensitive thoroughbred breeding with the warm blood "look at me" attitude!
Jane Loddy
Hi Gill

Yogi is doing brilliantly, living out 24/7 and loving it. His
schooling is coming on in leaps and bounds and he is getting
stronger every day. He is hacking out like an old pro on the buckle
end taking everything in his stride. I have earmarked 1st June for
his first party at our local saddle club dressage comp. It will be
very low key and perfect for both of us, I just need to get him out
and about for a few lessons to get him used to travelling. Hope
everything is ok with all of you
Love Dina
You know how it is, you are idly on the internet looking at the
horses for sale section and you start thinking if I was looking,
that’s the sort of horse I would buy. I stumbled upon the DPUK
website quite by accident. I saw a brief description of Yogi and a
picture and thought he looks lovely. Then I thought nothing more of
it. I already had three and couldn’t possibly countenance another.
I had also heard so many horror stories from friends about the
nightmare of looking for a new horse – not bearing any resemblance
to the description in the advert, totally mad bad and dangerous
animals and unrealistic prices. Then several months later with
ongoing lameness problems and the realisation that my horses were
getting into their teens I decided that life is too short and if I
was going to get another youngster it had to be now……before I got
too old as well. I casually mentioned to a friend that I had seen a
super young horse on a website whose breeding really intrigued me.
That’s when my introduction to Yogi began. Unbeknown to me this
friend knew Gill so she rang up for me to see if Yogi was still
available. The answer was yes so I then phoned Gill myself and had
a chat and he seemed ideal. I arranged to go over and have a look
at him. Things just seemed to be falling into place. I was really
impressed by the way Yogi had been brought up, handled and broken,
the attention to detail and the fact that he wasn’t just on a
production line to be produced and sold on. Ellie rode him first and
then I had a sit on. Its funny but I just felt at home on him
straight away and within a minute I had made my mind up about him,
not exactly the text book way to purchase a horse – buy the first
one you see and try him for five minutes. The buying process was
rather drawn out due to my personal circumstances but Gill and her
family were incredibly understanding and supportive and never
pressurised me at all. The vetting day arrived and to say it was
stormy is a complete understatement, we could hardly stand up. Poor
Yogi had to be lunged, ridden and trotted up in driving rain and
hail and a force 10 gale and he never put a foot wrong. He passed
with flying colours and I returned the following week to pick him
up. I have had him home now just over two months and he has been a
star. I have tried to follow Gill’s instructions with my baby bear
“hold his hand the first time you do something with him and then,
when he trusts you, he will do anything for you”. He’s hacking out
really confidently and even nannying and giving a lead to my erratic
and hormonal 14 yr old 17.2 hh mare. He is quick to learn in the
school and brings a smile to my face every day. What more can
anybody ask? It just goes to show that sometimes fate can play a
huge part in your life. What started out as day dreaming has turned
into reality. I will be eternally grateful to Gill and her family
for their patience and for holding my hand throughout the whole
buying process,
4yr old 14.2h

After a chance discovery of DPUK web page, I have to say I was intrigued. Could there actualy be someone out there breeding/producing/training their ponies and horses properly???mmm....this is something I wanted to explore further! After several emails/fb messages and quite a few informative phonecalls, I made the decision to take my girls down to Gill's. We didnt know what to expect but within minutes of arriving we were made to feel very welcome as Gill opened her home to us and introduced us to her family. The support network at Gill's was the first thing to strike us, David, Charlotte,Rebecca, Ellie and of course Ellie G are all hands on and know all the ponies/horses at DPUK.The way Gill described her ponies to my 12 year old daughter Kendal was perfect and put her at ease-as well as putting me at ease!!! We have never been anywhere that we would have quite happily sat on every pony or horse that was brought out for us...but we would at Gill's. All questions were delt with openly and honestly- be prepared to answer many as Gill and crew are very thorough as to making sure they match the right pony/horse to the right home!!! It's ALL about whats best for the pony/horse. At no point were we put under any pressure to buy, this visit was all about assessing each others needs. We had seen many pics and videos of DPUK BLUE MOON but we were not prepared for how special he was in the flesh. Blue is only 4yrs and had only been backed for a few months but he has the physical maturity and the brain of a much older pony. We would put that down to Gill's teams approach to handling her baby's from the day they are born, every day is a school day. Blue is the most laid back, self assured youngster with absolutely no hang ups!!He is such a people pony with the sweetest nature and really puts his trust and faith in us to keep him right....well why wouldnt he???Whatever your secret is -please Gill keep doing it!!! The stock that your producing are a credit to all involved. After our first visit we drove half way home in silence as none of us could put into words our days experience.My eldest Ellie was so impressed at the consitentcy of training that all the ponies displayed, which is a rare find these days.We returned a week later with our vet for Blue's vetting and again the same open hospitality was shown to us all, Rebecca very kindly made us all lunch-including the vet!!!lol. We may have went looking to buy a pony but what we have gained through Blue, is a very special friendship. The Jolleys will all hold a very special place in our hearts....especially Charlotte who helped make Blue the most adorable pony.We hope to make you proud.x
Charlene Bow

I am writing to say a big thank you for introducing me to the best
pony in the world. We didn’t come looking for him we actually found
each other.
We came looking for a pony for my sister and you were so helpful
with all your advice and concern about us finding the perfect pony.
Once we decided we wanted Miniman, you asked me to come and spend
some time with him to make sure we were happy with him and him with
He has now been with me since November, and you are always at the
other end of the phone if we are unsure about anything. We have
become good friends. I would recommend you, and your horses and
ponies to anyone. My only wish is that we lived closer to you.
Thank you again and I am so glad I met you.
Miniman loves to jump, he doesn’t really like jumping little jumps
but he prefers bigger ones. He has a nice bouncy canter, and looks
lovely when he goes in a shape. He has a very gentle nature and
loves cuddles. He is lovely to handle and has made lots of new
friends in his new home. He does like to eat so I have to give him
lots of exercise which he loves.
Love from Courtney and
Miniman xx
Sometimes in life, things are meant to be....! I am lucky
to be a friend of Jo Rose and a fan of dear Sprite whom she
purchased from Gill at DPUK. Jo knew I was looking for a
general riding horse and after speaking to Gill, she called to tell
me about a lovely 7yr, 16.1hh bay mare Gill was looking to
home. I then had a great chat with Gill, in which she described
Missy exactly, and honestly. I waited excitedly for the video
and photos and it wasnt too long before mum and I made the 6 hour
journey from Kent to Lancashire to see her .....and fell for those
big kind eyes. Gill and her family could not have been more
welcoming and after a coffee, we were able to tack up and were off
out hacking and then riding in the school. At no time was the
horse 'sold' to me - Gill just let me get on with getting to
know and understand her. I was able to ask lots of questions
and handle her and following a lovely lunch, we headed back down the
motorway... Two weeks later, having passed her vetting,
Missy arrived in Kent... and wondered where all the green grass had
gone !
have had a lovely few months so far; her wonderful temperament and
trust in everyone shows how well educated and nutured she has been
with Gill and the girls. She is a special, thoughtful little horse
and I know why Gill was interested in finding a home for her to
enjoy life and be loved. She is enjoying hacks in the
countryside, some school work and mooching in the field with her
friends, ensuring she rolls in the muddiest patch to be found....!
Everyone thinks she is lovely; her warm, friendly temperament is a
winner for any polos and carrots on offer - we are looking forward
to a great year together.
I would wholly recommend purchasing a horse from Gill and her
family. The lovely, relaxed and knowledgable environment at
the yard combined with Gill's natural approach to training and
welfare, serves their horses well. But above that, you gain a
friend and someone who will always be there to support you going
forward, is interested to hear how you and your horse are getting on
and ready to offer advice if needed.
Hi Gill
Here's some feedback for your website. As well as saying how fab
Sprite is, I also think it is really important that you have been so
cool too. It's partly that you give the horses the best start in
life, and partly that you make the whole "buying a horse" thing a
pleasure. Hope you like this anyway.

Sprite is just so fab. He is outgoing, happy, loves life, and is so
confident and secure in his personality that you can’t help loving
him. Special boy! He also happens to have near perfect conformation,
very correct movement, is very clever and also willing and motivated
in his work. Wowzers – the perfect dressage horse (who is also very
much enjoying hacking and jumping – he’s a fun-loving kinda guy)!
And on top of all this, he has clearly had a wonderful start in life
with Gill and her family and friends. He has no hang-ups, he is bold
and brave and trusting, and has been started really really well. I
can’t imagine a more perfect horse for me – he puts a massive smile
on my face each day. Working with him is a joy – he picks things up
so easily even when I don’t explain things as clearly as I should
(he is very forgiving like that and, as Gill has said, he really
doesn’t bear a grudge). His natural ability and trainability means
that he should be able to go as far in dressage as I am capable of
taking him!

I first contacted Gill in response to an advert about Sprite, in the
frozen winter of 2010/11, when he was rising 4. In the ensuing email
and phone conversations I guessed that Sprite would be the right
kind of horse for me, and Gill guessed that I would be the right
kind of owner for him. And when I eventually met him I just knew
straight away that he was right for me. Gill really has been
fantastic right from the word go – I have never met anyone that I
would rather buy a horse from! I love her warmth, and her openness
and honesty about her horses: she clearly knows them so well and has
a talent for understanding them as individuals. And she seems to
have the same kind of intuition about people. She has been
incredibly supportive and interested in Sprite’s and my progress
together – she has always been happy to discuss ideas, and also just
to hear about how Sprite is doing.
Since meeting Gill she has become a good friend. I love her approach
to horses and training – she cares, she takes a long-term training
perspective, and the welfare of the horse is paramount. Dressage
really is her passion and her horses (and people!) reap the benefits
of her expertise, experience and skills. Discussing dressage with
her is stimulating and fascinating. I just wish we lived a bit
closer so Sprite and I could catch up with her in person more often
as well…
speak soon
love jo xxx

Area 2b Winter Show

taking Champion Intermediate
at Equifest August 2009

International -
Intermediate Show Hunters

taking Champion Intermediate
at Equifest August 2009
- Supreme of Show Lostock Equine Supporters Group
Winter Show 2009
- Champion Open Riding Horse at Osbaldeston
Trialblazers 2009
- 1st and Reserve Champion Intermediate at BSPS Area
2b Winter show 2009
- Reserve Champion Novice/Restricted Intermediate-
BSPS Winter Championship Show 2009
- Area 1a 1st and Reserve Champion RIHS Qual for
Riding Horses 2009
- Area 3a Ist and Reserve Champion RIHS Qual for
Intermediate Show Hunter 2009
- BSPS Scottish 2nd HOYS Qual (ISH) 2009
- Northern Horse Show 3rd HOYS Qual (ISH) 2009
- Staffs Country Festival 3rd HOYS Qual (ISH) 2009
- Equifest Champion Intermediate 2009
- Area 2b Winter Show 1st and Champion Intermediate
My firsts Glimpse of Amadeus as a foal totally
took my breath away, from his stunning
athletic paces right thought his beautiful
conformation. Not only this but he had the most
fabulous temperament and had been handle so well
which is often a rarity when you find an animal of
his calibre. We made an instant connection and I
knew from that moment that he was special and that I
just had to have him. Everything about Amadeus has
been unbelievably easy as he is so trusting of
me. Right from the start he has been so trainable
and keen to please and breaking him was a
pleasure. He gives an amazing ride and enjoys his
job, always giving 100% commitment to everything I
ask of him. I love Amadeus more than anything and
could not imagine life without him.
I first met Wurly when I was visiting the Jollies family
as their hairdresser! Gill knowing that I used to ride
as a child asked if I would like to see their latest
foal!! I of course jumped at the chance as I had never
met a new born foal!! We walked up to the stable door
and this little chap jumped up at the door and tried to
get as close to us as possible, he reminded me of an
over friendly Labrador!! I asked if this was normal of
foals? Having not met one before! she just said that he
was definitely one on his own!
So 18months went by and with Gill’s help I took up
riding again and decided that I would buy my own horse.
One winter’s morning “Wurly was in from the field” and
Gill asked me if I would like to see him as she knew I
had always been asking after Wurly as I couldn’t get
this friendly little guy out of my head, and there he
was, this cute little foal had turned into the most
gorgeous creature that I had ever seen…
At age 2 I took him away to a Parelli clinic weekend at
Christine Worthington’s in Chorley where he had his
first “sleepover”. He was there with 5 adult horses and
people couldn’t believe his age he behaved impeccably
and I put this down to the fact that all Gill’s horses
are so well handled from birth and well fed so people
just found it hard to believe that he was only 2! He
loaded into the trailer first time as he just knows that
nothing is going to hurt him and that we, his handlers
would never ask him to do anything that would compromise
He is 4 now and is really well established in his work.
He takes to everything so well, he is so trusting and
still really friendly. He is a really intelligent animal
and learns things so quickly, Gill adapts the training
of the animals to suit their own unique personalities,
so things progress quickly with wurly so as to not bore
him and he is now long reining and hacking out with her
daughter Charlotte to bombproof him on the roads for
me!! In the school he walks, trots and canters on both
reins with ease and balance. He is about ready now to
goto his first competition now
And the love story continues……..
Testimonial from Karen about Bea (Be Dramatique)
I have worked with young horses for thirty-five years
competing my horses at Affiliated level at both Eventing and
Dressage disciplines. In my experience I have seldom come
across a horse with such a genuinely kind and trusting
outlook as Bea. She has been a joy to be with from the
moment she stepped out of the trailer to her new home with
myself three years ago.
Bea’s enthusiasm and aptitude for learning with her natural
desire to work and please her handler is outstanding, as is
her natural ability to retain and reproduce what is asked of
I have been able to watch
her grow and develop into her truly beautiful temperament
and top quality conformation, balance and movement which she
has inherited from her Dam and Sire.
Bea is now rising four and is in the process of being
started for ridden work, which is proving to be extremely
straightforward due to her generous disposition and outlook
on life. I attribute this to the sensitive and intuitive way
that she was first introduced to human contact by her
Breeder (Gill and her family) as I feel that this has
undoubtedly made my job as handler and trainer one of ease
and pleasure.

& Amadeus winning at the BSPS Winter Championships qualified
for R.I.H.S Riding Horse and Intermediate Show Riding Type.